Sunday, January 17, 2010

UPDATE from PDG Dick - January 17

Today's update will be brief.

We got 11 flights off the ground and in the air for Haiti today. Of those flights, 10will go into Haiti and one will go to Inagua.

The flight time from Inagua is less than an hour and much easier for the small planes so we are stockpiling there One flight has left from the BVI and is going through Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic and on to Cap Haitien tomorrow. We are hoping that after clearing in Cap it can fly on to Pignon. We will know this later.

We have 3 pallets of Medical Supplies in Vero Beach and are working on the flights to get that to Nassau and on to Haiti with our Bahamas Methodist Habitat partners. Turks & Caicos has organized some more Shelter Boxes and they will be sent shortly.

Nathan has a container on the way to Miami and we will know more about the delivery method soon. We have asked for an indication from the on the ground medical team for specific medical Supplies needs and I will post for you as soon as I get it.

I believe Michael Terrelonge will be starting a blog for us.

Look for his announcment.

Thanks PDG Dick

Lionel Michaud cried after finding his 10-month-old daughter among the bodies outside the central morgue.

His wife was also killed when the building they lived in collapsed while he was at work.
Photo: Damon Winter/The New York Times

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